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Far-Right rioters target migrant hotels as unrest continues

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Riots continued across Britain on Sunday as aggressors set fire to hotels used to house asylum seekers.
Hotels were set on fire in Rotherham and Tamworth while in Bolton, rival groups of anti-immigrant and Muslim youths were kept apart by police.
Elsewhere, a mob in Middlesbrough targeted the homes of migrants, shouting “smash the p—”.
The violence follows widespread disorder across the country on Saturday which saw riots occur in Belfast, Nottingham, Liverpool, Stoke and Hull.
A planned protest in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham quickly turned violent when scores of masked and hooded youths, many carrying England or Union flags, began throwing missiles at police.
Around 700 people descended on the town’s Holiday Inn Express hotel which has previously been used to house asylum seekers.
With police quickly outnumbered and overwhelmed, the mob began hurling planks of wood and bricks at officers who used riot shields to protect themselves.
Hotel staff and residents were left cowering as the baying mob chanted “get them out”, “we want our country back” and “Yorkshire”.
After smashing several ground-floor windows, the rioters then attempted to set the hotel on fire, torching bins and then using them to blockade the exits.
At least 10 officers were injured, including one who was knocked unconscious, South Yorkshire Police confirmed later, saying one person had already been arrested and others involved should “expect us to be at their doors very soon”.
Police on horseback attempted to disperse the crowd but a large number made their way to the hotel entrance and after smashing windows managed to get inside.
Riot police moved in to clear the burning debris but found themselves coming under attack by a group throwing rocks and other missiles.
A group of men inside the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham said they had fled war zones and other hostile countries but did not expect to see violence in the UK which they thought was a “safe country”.
A man speaking on behalf of several asylum seekers including Kurds, Afghans and Iranians told The Telegraph he heard screams as rioters broke in and fire alarms went off.
“We were told to stay in our rooms, the staff locked the hotel,” he said.
“We then heard them breaking in. We could hear the breaking of mirrors, glass and doors. It was terrible. We only knew the fire had started when the fire alarms went off.
“It was so terrible for us and this is the first experience we’ve had like this.”
Speaking in Downing Street, Sir Keir Starmer said those involved should expect to feel the “full force of the law”.
Addressing them directly, he said: “You will regret taking part in this… I won’t shy away from calling it what it is – far-Right thuggery.”
Oliver Coppard, the Mayor of South Yorkshire, said he was utterly appalled by the violence witnessed in the town.
He said: “What we’re seeing is not protest, it is brutal thuggery directed against some of the most vulnerable people in our society.
“The people carrying out these attacks do not represent the beautiful, brilliant place and people I know.
“We will come after those carrying out this violence with the full force of the law.”
Meanwhile, Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, condemned the reckless actions of the mob and said the police would take the strongest action against those responsible.
She said: “The criminal, violent attack on a hotel housing asylum seekers in Rotherham is utterly appalling. Deliberately setting fire to a building with people known to be inside.
“South Yorkshire Police have full government support for the strongest action against those responsible.”
A police officer was injured after rioters targeted a second hotel believed to be housing asylum seekers on Sunday.
Staffordshire Police said it was continuing to deal with “violent acts of thuggery” as a large group descended on it and began throwing projectiles, smashing windows, starting fires and targeting police.
Pictures posted on social media showed ‘Get out England’ had been graffitied across the side of the building.
“We’re urging members of the public to avoid the area around the Holiday Inn, Tamworth, as specialist officers continue to deal with violent acts of thuggery,” police said.
“Officers are working valiantly to keep the public safe. Specialist drone surveillance and the national police air service have been sweeping the area as our efforts to identify those involved continue.”
Violence once again flared in the North East, which had already been the scene of widespread disorder in Hartlepool and Sunderland.
This time, a planned demonstration in Middlesbrough turned violent with racist attacks launched against members of the migrant community and Asian-owned businesses.
Some 300 far-Right supporters gathered at the town’s cenotaph at around 2pm for a planned march to the town’s Central Square.
Addressing the crowd, one of the organisers said: “You are all here today lads, for the three kids who were killed in Southport and the future of our country; it is not about race or colour or religion. Let’s all keep it right today and stand up for our country, our kids and our  families.”
But soon after the march began skirmishes broke out between masked agitators and the police with rocks and fireworks thrown.
Chanting “we want our country back”, some of the thugs attempted to break through police lines.
After arriving at the town’s Central Square some of the demonstrators broke away into smaller groups before dispersing and heading towards the Gresham area, where many of the town’s immigrant population live.
Armed with metal bars and wooden posts and to chants of “smash the p—”, the jeering mob attacked houses and cars at random, even setting one vehicle on fire.
One victim, a white man in his 40s, had his living room window smashed.
He said: “I’m born and bred in Middlesbrough and these morons target my house just for the hell of it. I could hear them yelling about immigrants but they were smashing car and house windows indiscriminately. They’re the scum of the earth.”
But the intended targets were clearly the homes and businesses of members of the migrant community.
Windows were smashed as terrified families, including children, cowered inside. Some of the locals came to their aid and helped comfort the victims and sweep up broken glass.
Suzie Hunton was one of those. She said: “I’m helping a Romanian family who had bricks hurled through their window.
“The young woman who lives here was asleep in bed when the window [was smashed] through. She was terrified to be confronted by this masked gang who were shouting racist slogans.
“The house next door which is also occupied by an asylum [seeker] family had its door kicked off the hinges entirely.
“It was clear that they have young children because there was a pram outside the house. They are completely terrified and can’t believe what they are witnessing in this country.
“It is sickening to see such blatant out-and-out thuggery aimed at young families who have done nothing to provoke it.”
An upstairs neighbour, who was also helping with the clean-up, said: “They were yelling, ‘There ain’t no black in the Union Jack’, and randomly smashing windows in the hope the houses belonged to immigrant families.
“It is mob rule and it was absolutely terrifying to witness. People from all over the world live on this street and they are lovely families trying to make a better life. They deserve better than what they’ve been subjected to today.”
Footage on social media appeared to show Asian men, bearing weapons, clash with anti-immigration protesters, while other videos appear to show people being jumped on or followed.
There were 35 arrests and significant damage was caused to the Crown Court and the University, Cleveland Police said.
The rioters later returned to the cenotaph where riot police again came under fire from bricks and bottles.
In Albert Park, close to the cenotaph, families who were out for a walk condemned the violence.
Joanne Williams, 38, said: “These people don’t speak for Middlesbrough; this is a town where people care for each other no matter their race or colour.
“I’ve seen these so-called protesters assembling and it disgusts me. A lot of them are wearing masks; why do that if you’re not planning trouble?”
Ian Harper, 71, said: “I’m surprised how many have turned out. I expected better of Middlesbrough, although I’m sure many will have been bussed in.
“I saw a group of them getting off minibuses in the side streets before walking down to the meeting points with hoods up and wearing masks.
“Middlesbrough is a town of tolerance and these people are a tiny minority who put the place to shame.”
In Bolton, police struggled to prevent a mob of far-Right agitators and gangs of young, mainly Muslim men from clashing.
A large anti-immigration protest close to the town hall began peacefully but soon descended into violence and disorder.
Counter demonstrators, some shouting “Allahu Akbar”, meaning God is greatest, clashed with those taking part in the protest, while police tried to keep them apart.
Missiles including fireworks, bricks and bottles, were thrown.
As a result Greater Manchester Police brought in extra powers allowing officers to stop and search people and force them to remove face coverings.
Protesters are gathering outside a Holiday Inn hotel in Tamworth, Staffordshire, that houses asylum seekers. 
Videos posted on social media show dozens of demonstrators confronting riot-shield equipped police outside the building, with at least one police dog seen close to the main entrance. 
Other footage shows rioters breaking the hotel’s windows by throwing objects at them. 
The far-right are protesting outside another hotel that houses asylum seekers in Tamworth.
Rioters have now started a bonfire in the middle of the road 500 metres from the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham and are throwing bins at police officers, Neil Johnston reports from the scene. 
Police earlier dispersed rioters outside the hotel, but the agitators have since clashed with officers at a location farther down the road. 
Dozens more riot police have arrived to stop a fresh assault on the hotel, where migrants are watching from the windows.
The mob threw a barrage of fences and fireworks at police, and spooked some of the force’s horses. 
Officers with riot-shields were seen lining up to face the crowd as a fire blazes in the background. 
By Neil Johnston
A group of men inside the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham said they had fled war zones and other hostile countries but did not expect to see violence in the UK which they thought was a “safe country”.
A man speaking on behalf of several asylum seekers including Kurds, Afghans and Iranians told The Telegraph he heard screams as rioters broke in and fire alarms went off.
“We were told to stay in our rooms, the staff locked the hotel,” he said.
“We then heard them breaking in. We could hear the breaking of mirrors, glass and doors. It was terrible. We only knew the fire had started when the fire alarms went off.
“It was so terrible for us and this is the first experience we’ve had like this.
“These people in here are from all different countries. They are Arabic, Kurdish, Afghanistan, from Iran.
“We thought we had finally got a safe life here. We saw them running from one side to another. We could not move from our rooms. We were worried, we thought some people would come into the hotel and fight with us.”
He said that they were terrified what would happen if they made it beyond the ground floor.
“We were really scared of these people. We did think we could die.
South Yorkshire Police has said that 10 officers were injured in the “deplorable acts of violence” at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel in Manvers, Rotherham earlier today. 
One officer was left unconscious after a head injury, the force said, with other officers suffering suspected broken bones. 
There have so far been no reports of injuries to hotel staff or residents. 
Police said around 700 people had taken part in the disorder outside the hotel on Sunday. 
A Channel 4 news correspondent has shared footage of what appears to be a group of Asian men attacking a lone white male on the streets of Middlesbrough. 
Police are reportedly playing a game of “cat and mouse” as groups of Asian and white men roam the streets looking for trouble. 
Cleveland Police earlier said nine people had been arrested in connection with the disturbances in Middlesbrough. 
Mobs of Asian men attacking white men now – Middlesbrough
An anti-immigration protest called ‘Enough is Enough’ is underway in Weymouth, where the BBC reports that 400 protesters from opposing sides are gathered on the seafront chanting at each other.
The broadcaster said that police officers have moved people off the beach because some anti-immigrant protesters had pushed through the police line. 
We earlier reported that police had removed rioters from the Rotherham migrant hotel that was attacked and set on fire earlier in the day. 
Our reporter Neil Johnston writes that agitators have now begun to attack again the hotel via a different route:
Rioters are pelting police using rectangular riot shields with missiles around 200 yards from the hotel. They were dispersed down the road but are now attempting to attack the hotel from a different angle using fireworks.
By Crime Editor Martin Evans
Merseyside Police said a man had been charged after allegedly attempting to set fire to a police van during violence in Liverpool on Saturday.
The van had been parked on William Brown Street and the flames were quickly extinguished before significant damage or harm could be caused.A police spokesman said: “Declan Geiran, 29 years, of Kelso Road, Liverpool has been charged with violent disorder and arson (to a police vehicle). He has been remanded into custody to appear at Liverpool Magistrates Court at 9.45am on Monday 5 August.”
By Neil Johnston
Police have cleared rioters from the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham which was vandalised and set on fire earlier in the day.
They are continuing to push back far right protestors who are still in the area.
Dozens of police vans are on the scene and a helicopter is flying overhead.
Windows are pins the building have been smashed and a family can be seen looking through the remains of one window.
Sir Keir Starmer held an emergency address from Downing Street on Sunday afternoon, where he said rioters “will regret taking part in this disorder”. 
He added that the police “will be making arrests, individuals will be held on remand, charges will follow and convictions will follow”.
The Prime Minister also vowed that “would not shy away” from calling the disturbances “far-Right thuggery”.
“To those who feel targeted because of the colour of your skin or your faith, I know how frightening this must be. I want you to know that this violent mob do not represent our country and we will bring them to justice,” he said. 
Cleveland Police said officers have arrested nine people so far in relation to the ongoing disorder in Middlesbrough. 
The force added that the main areas affected by disorder were Parliament Road, Waterloo Road, and the area around the university.
Assistant Chief Constable David Felton said: “We are urging members of the public to stay away from Middlesbrough while officers respond to violent disorder in the town.
“We have a high policing presence responding to the disorder, and the priority remains to protect people and communities.
“We will continue to make arrests and deal robustly with anyone shown to be intent on committing violence and causing harm.”
Sir Ed Davey, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, said: “Everyone across the UK was shocked and appalled by the dreadful attack in Southport on Monday, which took the lives of three innocent little girls.“Most people have come together to grieve with love and compassion. But sadly, a minority of far-right extremists have disgraced themselves by exploiting this tragedy to commit appalling acts of violence, targeting Muslims, asylum seekers and communities of colour. “I am deeply angered by the riots and disorder that we have seen these past few days and welcome the extra protections now in place. This lawlessness is unacceptable and it must be stopped and those responsible must face the full force of the law.“And amidst these awful scenes, we should all take heart from the immense compassion, kindness and decency shown by the vast majority, not least those communities who are being specifically targeted. Their example is one we must all follow.”
Rishi Sunak, the Conservative Party leader, has condemned the unrest gripping Britain as “violent, criminal behaviour that has no place in our society”. 
“The police have our full support to deal with these criminals swiftly and they must face the full weight of the law,” he added. 
The shocking scenes we’re seeing on the streets of Britain have nothing to do with the tragedy in Southport.This is violent, criminal behaviour that has no place in our society.The police have our full support to deal with these criminals swiftly and they must face the full…
More from Crime Editor Martin Evans on the ongoing disorder in Middlesbrough: 
In the Gresham area of Milddlesbrough groups of masked youths smashed the windows of cars and houses.
The gang targeted Parliament Rd where some of the shop and restaurant owners began fighting back.
A group of Kurdish business owners armed themselves with wooden staves and some rioters were attacked.
One youth with a bloodied head was seen being escorted away from the area by a business owner.
One Parliament Road shop owner said: “we’re acting to protect what is ours. They have come here to attack our vehicles and our property, we have the right to defend ourselves.”
Mosques will now be able to request “rapid response” security under a new security scheme just announced by the Home Office. 
The plans state that mosques, police and local authorities can ask for rapid security personnel to be deployed, which will “allow for a return to worship as quickly as possible”. 
In a statement, the Home Office said the scheme would “build on the existing Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, with up to £29.4 million already available this year to fund security at mosques and Muslim faith schools”.
Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, said: “Britain is a proud and tolerant country, and nobody should make any excuses for the shameful actions of the hooligans, thugs and extremist groups who have been attacking police officers, looting local shops or attacking people based on the colour of their skin. 
“In light of the disgraceful threats and attacks that local mosques have also faced in many communities, the government is providing rapid additional support through the Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, alongside the support from local police forces and we repeat that anyone involved in this disorder and violence will face the full force of the law.
“As a nation we will not tolerate criminal behaviour, dangerous extremism, and racist attacks that go against everything our country stands for.”
By Crime Editor Martin Evans 
In Middlesbrough some masked thugs set fire to wheelie bins and pushed them into a line of riot police containing protestors on Linthorpe Road.
 The blazing bins were quickly extinguished without injury and a woman who had been pushing one of them was arrested.
The majority of the demonstrators have now dispersed but around 150 people, many in masks and hoods have remained in the town centre.
Elon Musk, the Tesla and X chief, has said that civil war in the UK is “inevitable”. 
Responding to a clip posted on social media showing recent rioting in Britain, Mr Musk wrote: “Civil war is inevitable.”
The comment received over one million views. 
Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, has condemned the attack on a migrant hotel in Rotherham, calling it “utterly appalling”. 
“South Yorkshire Police have full Government support for the strongest action against those responsible,” she added. 
The criminal, violent attack on a hotel housing asylum seekers in Rotherham is utterly appalling. Deliberately setting fire to a building with people known to be inside. South Yorkshire Police have full Government support for the strongest action against those responsible.
The BBC reports that a group of around 250-300 protesters chanting “Allahu Akbar” has clashed with police and Right-wing demonstrators in Bolton. 
According to the broadcaster, the group charged towards Bolton Town Hall, where protesters waving England flags had gathered. 
On a further cry of “Allahu Akbar”, the group began throwing eggs at the police before “charging” around streets in the town centre. 
The two groups of protesters then skirmished on another street, where bottles and fireworks were exchanged, but both sides were kept apart by police lines. 
By Crime Editor Martin Evans
Houses and cars were attacked at random in Middlesbrough as the demonstrators descended on the Gresham area, home to much of the town’s immigrant population.
Masked youths used metal and wooden bars to smash the windows of terraced houses and the windscreens of cars.
There were chants of “smash the p***s” as the cheering mob left destruction in its wake.
One victim, a white man in his 40s, had his living room window smashed.
He said: “I’m born and bred in Middlesbrough and these morons target my house just for the hell of it. I could hear them yelling about immigrants but they were smashing car and house windows indiscriminately. They’re the scum of the earth.”
The protestors returned to the cenotaph where riot police came under fire from bricks and bottles as they tried to force them back down Linthorpe Rd.
Malaysia has issued a warning to its citizens travelling to or residing in the UK, advising them to “remain vigilant” and to “stay away from protest areas”. 
The warning, released on Sunday by the country’s ministry of foreign affairs, also encourages Malaysian citizens to register with the country’s high commission in London in order to receive assistance and information. 
Humza Yousaf, the former first minister of Scotland, has suggested that Sir Keir Starmer should send in the army to quell rioting across Britain. 
In a post on X, Mr Yousaf wrote: “How much worse does it have to get before the army is sent in @Keir Starmer?
“The Police clearly do not have a handle on this situation.

This pogrom against Muslims and People of Colour is going to cost lives unless these far-right thugs are stopped.”
How much worse does it have to get before the army is sent in @Keir_Starmer ? The Police clearly do not have a handle on this situation.This pogrom against Muslims and People of Colour is going to cost lives unless these far-right thugs are stopped.
James Cleverly, the MP for Braintree, and Tom Tugendhat, the MP for Tonbridge, have condemned the attack on a migrant hotel in Rotherham. 
In a post on X, Mr Tugendhat wrote: “This behaviour is abhorrent.

We have got to put an end to the violence and disorder plaguing our streets.

The government must use all the available resources to punish those responsible.”
Mr Cleverly wrote: “There is not and can never be any excuse, justification or rationale for behavior like this.

This should be condemned by everybody, and those taking part should expect to be met with the full weight of the law.”
By Martin Evans, our crime editor
In Middlesbrough, march organiser Jake Wheatley addressed the crowd before the march began, saying: “You are all here today lads for the three kids who were killed in Southport and the future of our country, it is not about race or colour or religion. 
“Let’s all keep it right today and stand up for our country, our kids and our  families.”
Despite skirmishes en route with police the march arrived at Central Square without any serious violence or damage being caused.
The marchers dispersed into smaller groups and some left the area, although hundreds remained in the town centre.
More than 300 protesters marched through Middlesbrough after gathering at the city’s Cenotaph. 
Demonstrators were seen carrying a banner saying: “Tom Jones is Welsh, Axel Rudakubana isn’t” and chanted “We want our country back” as they made their way through the city. 
Police used dogs to keep the group back and at least two people were taken away in handcuffs within the first half hour, while several pieces of slate were thrown, along with vapes and full plastic bottles.
Our reporter Kevin Donald is on the ground in Middlesbrough. He reports that “skirmishes” have broken out between police and agitators. 
As the crowd began to march through the town to chants of “we want our country back” skirmishes broke out between masked thugs and police.
Rocks were thrown and fireworks ignited In the crowd.
A number of arrests were made as police were forced to draw truncheons to contain demonstrators who tried break through police lines.
Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham, has described the ongoing riot at a migrant hotel in Manvers, Rotherham as “horrendous” in a post on social media. 
This is horrendous
A fire has started at the Holiday Inn. Rotherham, UK This Holiday Inn. is where the grooming gangs have been praying on young girls, and the crimes were swept under the rug by authorities.
By Crime Editor Martin Evans
Merseyside Police said two more Section 60 Orders have been introduced in Liverpool and Southport for 12 hours following the violence and disorder seen in Liverpool city centre and Walton on Saturday 3 August..
The orders were put in place at 2pm today (Sunday 4 August) and will stay active for a 12-hour period until 2am on Monday.
They have has been introduced to prevent incidents of disorder and criminality.
The Orders, under S60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, give officers enhanced powers to stop and search individuals across areas of Liverpool and Southport and are designed to prevent serious violence.
Inspector Al McKeon said: “The scenes we saw yesterday in Liverpool and Walton, and on Tuesday in Southport, were despicable. They left dozens of officers requiring hospital treatment and have already led to the arrests of a total of 33 suspects.   “These orders will give officers on the ground the ability to stop and search anyone suspected of carrying weapons or planning any criminality.
“The ultimate aim of this tool is to prevent violence and disorder and keep the public safe.   “People across the areas covered will see targeted and highly visible police patrols over the next 12 hours. I hope their continued presence is reassuring for all of our communities, and I would ask anyone with concerns to speak to those officers.
Social media footage shows rioters battling with mounted police on the streets of Bolton. 
Greater Manchester Police earlier issued a Section 34 dispersal notice covering Bolton until 10pm, which gives the force extra powers to remove people causing anti-social behaviour.
Battle on the streets of Bolton as enough is enough protest & counter protest clashes on back roads
Greater Manchester Police said a section 34 dispersal notice has been authorised covering Bolton until 10pm on Sunday. 
Under a Section 34 notice, officers have extra powers to deal with anyone causing anti-social behaviour in defined areas. 
The force said officers will be able to instruct anyone who is causing – or very likely to cause – harassment, alarm, or distress to leave an area immediately.
Chief Inspector Natasha Evans said: “These powers have been authorised in response to increased protest activity. 
“We have been working with organisers of pre-planned protests to help facilitate peaceful and lawful protests, to prevent serious disruption and ensure everyone can go about their lives without fear or risk of harm.
“We will continue to have an increased police presence around these areas to deal with any incidents that may arise, and with these additional powers, officers are more equipped to intervene early to ensure people feel safe and are safe.”
Protesters have gathered outside the Holiday Inn Express in Manvers, Rotherham, which has been used as an asylum hotel. 
Both anti-immigration protesters and counter-protesters have been pictured outside the hotel in South Yorkshire (see our posts at 12.47pm and 12.07pm).
The number of protesters is not as large as was seen during Saturday’s protests, but there is a police presence at the scene. 
Tory leadership hopeful Robert Jenrick has said that Sir Keir Starmer should “cancel this Nero-esque holiday”. 
It would be “completely wrong for the Prime Minister to holiday while parts of Britain are burning”, Mr Jenrick added. 
The comments came after reports circulated that Sir Keir Starmer was set to take his first holiday as Prime Minister at the start of next week. 
However, sources close to No 10 have suggested to the PA news agency that Sir Keir will not be going on holiday with the prospect of further unrest looming. 
“Wanton criminals” were behind the riots in Liverpool which saw a library set on fire, the city’s council leader has said.
Spellow Lane Library Hub, in Walton, north Liverpool, was set ablaze on Saturday evening, and footage showed people laughing as flames consumed the building.
Leader of Liverpool City Council, Liam Robinson, said: “The violence we have seen on our streets is the manipulation of tragic events, an attack on our community by wanton criminals.
 “We can’t allow a minority of mindless thugs to win. They are not representative of our city and we will be working with partners to ensure the perpetrators are swiftly brought to justice.
“Our priority is to assess the damage to Spellow Library and to bring it back into use as quickly as possible.
“I want to pay tribute to Merseyside Police, the emergency services and Liverpool City Council staff for their fast response in cleaning up, and also to those residents who came out to help – it has been heartening to see, and that is the real spirit of our city.”
Britain’s most senior police commissioner has been criticised for “appearing to justify” the riots.
Donna Jones, who is police and crime commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, and a Conservative Party politician, said the only way to stop the violent scenes was to “acknowledge what is causing it” and by “understanding the views” of the rioters.
“Whilst the devastating attacks in Southport on Tuesday were a catalyst, the commonality amongst the protest groups appears to be focused on three key areas: the desire to protect Britain’s sovereignty; the need to uphold British values, and, in order to do this, stop illegal immigration,” she said.
She said arresting people was “treating the symptom and not the cause” and that the Prime Minister had questions to answer about how the new Labour government would tackle immigration and uphold British values.
Former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal called her comments “totally unacceptable” and said she was “appearing to justify rioting and criminality that police officers are bravely having to deal with right now”.
Ms Jones is also chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners in the UK.
Spellow Hub library on County Road in Liverpool was set ablaze during far-Right rioting on Saturday (see our posts at 9.29am and 9.54am). 
Merseyside Police said that protesters attempted to stop firefighters at the scene putting out the blaze. 
Street cleaning teams in Hull worked overnight to ensure the city would be open for business on Sunday, the city council said. 
Volunteers also arrived with brushes early on Sunday morning to assist the council crews. 
Councillor Jack Haines of Hull City Council said: “Yesterday we saw the worst of Hull but already today we have seen the best.
“The cleaning teams have made fantastic progress overnight. The main streets are largely clear and the interchange has reopened.
“We have already seen the power in our community with volunteers turning up from 7am this morning with brushes to assist council teams. I thank all volunteers and council staff.
“With the clean-up largely completed and areas clear, the best way anyone can help today is to come together, enjoy our city and support local shops and business.”
Cleveland Police has denied rumours circulating online that a Muslim woman was attacked with acid in Middlesbrough during unrest on Saturday. 
The force said it had not received “any formal complaint” from a victim or anyone on their behalf. It also said it had not received notification from medical colleagues of any such incident. 
On Saturday, reports of the attack were shared on social media by Nick Lowles, chief executive of Left-wing group Hope not Hate, and Josh Fenton-Glynn, the Labour MP for Calder Valley. 
“Reports are coming in of acid being thrown out of a car window at a Muslim woman in Middlesbrough. Absolutely horrendous,” Mr Lowles posted on X. 
In response to Mr Lowles’ post, Mr Fenton-Glynn wrote: “Far right cowards attacking women. When people show you who they are, believe them.” 
Both Mr Lowles and Mr Fenton-Glynn have since retracted their statements. 
Rioters who have taken part in the unrest on Britain’s streets will receive a “knock at their door” and there is room for them in jail, the policing minister has said.
Dame Diana Johnson insisted there will be “consequences” for those responsible for looting after far-Right supporters clashed with police in cities across the country.
“People need to be aware [that] if they were looting, there will be a knock on their door, they will be brought before the police and the court and there will be consequences,” Dame Diana told Times Radio.
“I want people punished for causing mayhem and disruption to our communities. We need to stamp on that small minority who have engaged in dreadful violent disorder on our streets.”
Despite plans to release prisoners being released less than halfway through their sentences to ease the jail crisis, Dame Diana said there were “places available” for offenders.
The MP for Kingston upon Hull North added: “I am absolutely appalled about what happened in my city yesterday. That people felt they could rampage through the city, could throw bricks and missiles at police officers. That is not the Britain I know and has to be dealt with quickly.”
The owner of King Vape Store on County Road in Liverpool reviews CCTV footage of looters swarming around his shop and ransacking his stock. 
A cafe and a supermarket in south Belfast were badly damaged following unrest in the city on Saturday. 
Cars were also set on fire as police attempted to deal with disorder in the Donegall Road area, which lasted through the night and into Sunday morning. 
The supermarket’s manager, Bashir, said that the Islamic community was being targeted. 
“People attacked this place, racism against Islam and Muslims, especially the Muslim community,” he said. 
He added: “All of that happened and the police did nothing, I am telling you the truth.
“What kind of police are letting the people burn everything down?”
There is “no need” to bring in the army to deal with unrest in parts of the UK, a Home Office minister has said. 
Dame Diana Johnson, the policing minister, told BBC News: “There is no need to bring in the Army and there has been no discussion about that.
“As I say, the police have made it very clear that they have all the resources they need at the moment… they have the powers that they need.”
Asked about the spread of misinformation online, Dame Diana added: “Obviously we need to do more because you’re absolutely right there has been that spread of misinformation which has caused problems this week.”
Far-Right rioters set fire to a library in one of the UK’s most deprived areas, leaving parts of it “completely destroyed”.
Spellow Lane Library Hub, in Walton, north Liverpool, was set ablaze on Saturday evening, and footage showed people laughing as flames consumed the building.
The library, which was reopened last year by the city’s Lord Mayor, was hailed as the ‘library of the future’ and helped provide routes into education and employment for the community.
The area lies in the third most deprived ward in the UK.
Speaking about the damage to the library, a spokesperson for Liverpool City Council told The Telegraph: “It’s such a shame because it’s such a community asset. It’s really sad.“Elements of it are completely destroyed. Even the bits that look ok, there will probably be some smoke damage.”Council officials were visiting the library on Sunday morning to inspect the damage.
A police leader has condemned the recent rioting and violence against police officers. 
Tiffany Lynch, from the Police Federation of England and Wales, said on BBC Breakfast: “It is an abhorrent, senseless act of violence against our police officers, towards our public buildings who are there to serve the community.
“[These acts are those of] a small minority and it doesn’t represent the community of Great Britain. It is absolutely abhorrent.”
Ms Lynch also said that everyday crime fighting would suffer due to police officers being redirected to tackle the riots (see our post at 9.41am).
Police forces across the UK will struggle to attend everyday crime incidents while officers are redirected to tackle rioting, a police leader told the BBC. 
Tiffany Lynch, from the Police Federation of England and Wales, said on BBC Breakfast: “We’re seeing officers that are being pulled from day-to-day policing to… go out there and essentially protect our communities.
“But while that’s happening, the communities that are out there that are having incidents against them – victims of crime – unfortunately, their crimes are not being investigated.
“We’re not going to be able to attend all of the incidents that are coming in on the 999s because we’re having to direct the priorities of what’s happening on the streets.”
Rioters torched Liverpool’s new Spellow Hub Library in the Walton area of the city on Saturday. 
Merseyside Police said agitators prevented firefighters from putting out the blaze. 
Police forces across the UK arrested more than 90 people in connection with anti-immigration rioting on Saturday.
Merseyside Police said a total of 23 people were arrested, including 12 arrests for the disorder in the city centre, nine arrests for the disorder on County Road and two in connection with the unrest in Southport.
In Hull, Humberside Police said they had arrested 20 people. 
In Bristol, police made 14 arrests because of violent disorder in the city centre. 
Lancashire Police said more than 20 people were arrested and dispersal orders were issued in parts of Blackpool, Preston and Blackburn.
Staffordshire Police said 10 people were arrested following disorder in Stoke-on-Trent.
